Do you blog every time you publish a video?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See historyEvery time someone does a talk/records a video, it helps spread the word about your content if your video keeps getting shared.
If you have a blog, a good idea is to add a simple post to tag your new video. It gets double Google juice if you:
- Have a good description of your video on YouTube; and
- Your video is linked in a blog post using popular keywords for the content/topic you have recorded about.
Here's a simple example:
The gold standard ⭐
You could go the extra mile and explain your whole talk for an even better result. This gives you an opportunity to communicate and explain your thoughts to your audience, besides using all the relevant keywords you can in a single blog post.
Plus, you have the added benefit of having visual/audio content through the video, as well as written content. That way, you are really catering and communicating to all types of learners, readers or consumers your audience might include.