Do you know how to manage booking cancellations?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See historyOn occasion, you may be asked in the morning or even halfway through the day, to pause your work by the client.
- Developer X shows up in the morning and starts working on feature Y as per CRM Service Calendar
- Client calls and says “We’re sorry but we have to pause the development of feature Y because XYZ”
The reaction from Developer X should be:
“OK, I will call my Account Manager and make sure future bookings are cancelled until further notice. For today, is there anything else I can work on so you get the best value out of the rest of my day?”
Note: Same-day cancellations still incur that day's costs. If there is nothing more you can work on, and the client is unhappy, refer the client to your Account Manager.