Connection Stream - Do you use a UDL when getting database settings?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See historyWhy do people always invent ways of getting the same old server name and a database name? Look at this image from Speed Ferret - one of my favorite SQL Server utilities.
While a nice form, it would have taken quite some developer time to get it right. Not only that, it is a little bit different than what a user has seen before. Now look at this UDL from one of our utilities SSW SQL Auditor:
Every developer has seen this before - so use it. Better still, it is only a few lines of code: B-Open UDL Dialog-DH.txt
The above cannot be used when you want the user to create a new database. Microsoft does not supply an out of the box UI and there is no third party solution. Only in this case you have to create your own form.