Control Choice - Do you know when to use options group Radio Buttons instead of ComboBox?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Merge to rule Control Choice - Do you know when to use CheckBoxes?

When the options are static items (not database driven) and they can fit on the screen (about 2-5 items), they should be radio buttons.

For a ComboBox, user needs 2 clicks to change the value:

  1. Click the ⌄ button to see the available options
  2. Then click the option to select

For an options group, user can see all the available options without clicking, and select the option with just a click.

Figure: Bad example - ComboBox is used for "Job Type" where it contains only 2 options

Figure: Good example - Radio Buttons are used and aligned vertically

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