Do you have a call to action on your web pages (aka The Banana Rule)?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See historyIf you want users to take action on the web page content, add a "banana" - something that makes it obvious what the user is supposed to do.
For example, if your page is selling software, make it easy for your users to make a purchase. People don't have a lot of time to read your entire page and find the right link, so it is important to grab their attention by using a "banana".
Why do we call it "banana rule"?
How would you get a monkey pay attention to something? You could lure them by tempting him with a banana. Once we have the monkeys attention focused on the banana, they will try to get their hands on it regardless of the barriers on the way.
This is how the "banana rule" should be applied:
So, remember most pages need a "banana" to get them to where you want them. "Bananas" are big, simple and stand out from the rest of the page.