Do you customize your DevOps board styles?

Last updated by Jack Pettit [SSW] about 1 year ago.See history

The Azure DevOps boards are powerful tools for planning your work.

They are also highly customizable, which means you can communicate additional information that helps visualize your team's work by making your board work harder for you.

Using the styling rules in your DevOps Board, you can use conditional formatting to color-code or add visual tags based on specific criteria, including:

  • Setting a PBI as a Sprint Goals
  • Who they are assigned to
  • High-priority items
  • Stale/old tasks (e.g. if a task or PBI has remained unchanged for a number of days)

To learn how to customize your board, see the walkthrough video below:

Video: Azure DevOps | Customizing your Board (15 mins)

For more information, read Microsoft's article - Customize cards on a Sprint taskboard in Azure Boards.

Landon Maxwell
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