Do you always make file paths @-quoted?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

In C#, backslashes in strings are special characters used to produce "escape sequences", for example \r\n creates a line break inside the string. This means that if you want to put a backslash in a string you must escape it out by inserting two backslashes for every one, e.g. to represent C:\Temp\MyFile.txt you would use C:\Temp\MyFile.txt . This makes the file paths hard to read, and you can't copy and paste them out of the application.

By inserting an @ character in front of the string, e.g. @"C:\Temp\MyFile.txt" , you can turn off escape sequences, making it behave like VB.NET. File paths should always be stored like this in strings.

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