Do you enable unsubscribe via a foolproof subscription centre?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See historyMicrosoft Dynamics Marketing has inbuilt subscription centres to help people manage their preferences (i.e. unsubscribe) from unwanted marketing lists.
It uses a link that confirms the email address you want removed from the list, and allows any other info to be gathered as desired.
It also enforces the inclusion of this into any mail out, helping avoid your mail server from being blacklisted by spam filters.
This is far superior to the MS CRM version, which just uses a mailto link, causing an outlook popup mail window with an unsubscribe tag in that email. The problem with this is it won’t work unless you’re using outlook for the email address on the Mailing List, which for people with web mail or multiple email addresses, often isn’t the case.
MDM also has configurable bounce management, allowing hard bounced to be dropped from future mail-outs.