Do you know how to get approval to book a flight?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

In order to book a flight, you will need to obtain your boss' approval.

When you need to book flights or accommodation for training or client work, liaise with the administration staff.

  1. Get your manager's approval to investigate bookings and confirm dates.
  2. Have a conversation with the receptionist/admin and provide some options for the bookings. E.g. “Fly from X to Z on (date) late PM?" or “I have previously stayed at ABC Hotel for work for this client and it was a convenient location at a good price?"
  3. Receptionist/admin to research 2 or 3 options, aiming to keep the expenses low.
  4. Admin has a conversation with you, going over the options and confirming decisions based on the research provided.
  5. Final total to be approved by manager or boss in an email (CC financial controller)
  6. Admin to book and send calendar appointments as per Booking Flights.
  7. When you receive a confirmation email for the booking, forward it to the financial controller for reconciliation with bank statements.

Admin - follow this rule to find the best flights

Get approval from your boss to make the booking by sending a purchase please email

Include the screen shot of the flight options and costs.

Await your boss' approval to purchase the flights. Chase up promptly, as flight costs increase.

Note: It's often a good idea to email to your boss' PA, to have the flights booked for you.

Adam Cogan
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