Do you know how to share links to specific tabs in Power BI reports?

Last updated by Seth Daily [SSW] 1 day ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: The 'Share' button is now clear and it shares the specific tab.

The problem with the standard File | Publish to Web options, is it always goes to the same tab of a report, but if you want to send a link to a specific tab, you have to do one more step...

Do the above as usual, and then go to that published public report, and navigate to the tab you want to send people to.

At the bottom right hand corner of the screen, there is a "share" icon. Click this for a sharable URL for that tab (people can still navigate to other tabs as needed, but will start on the one you've chosen.

Power BI   Share Tab

Ulysses Maclaren
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