Communication - Do you know the nice way to correct someone?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See historyWhen you notice that someone has done something that could have been done better, make sure you are tactful in your correction/suggestions. When you are giving someone a correction or tip, try to include an URL to back up your point.
For example, if someone sends you an email that should be an appointment:
Subject: Meeting
Hi Guys,
Let's meet on Thursday at 3 PM
Figure: Someone requests a meeting using a normal email message
You could reply in different ways:
Subject: RE: Meeting
Hi Mary,
FYI - an appointment would have been better. See rule in Rules to better Email
Figure: Bad Example - Just pointing the mistake
Subject RE: Meeting
Hi Mary,
I noticed you did not send an appointment for this meeting. I hope you don't mind, but I have gone ahead and created one so we don't all have to set a reminder individually.
Have a look at our Rules to better Email. We have a number of helpful standards like this if you're interested.
Figure: Good Example - Being proactive to solve the problem + pointing the mistake in a friendly and polite manner