Do you know what to do after migrating from TFVC to Git?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

After you use the right tool to migrate from TFVC to Git, there's a few more things you need to do to clean things up for a new user joining the project. By default, if there is a TFVC repository, that will become the default in the UI.

Unfortunately, you can't kill the TFVC repository and make Git the default one, so there's a few steps you need to follow.

2017 04 05 10 02 58

Figure: Bad Example - Can't delete the now deprecated TFVC repository

Delete files from TFVC

Go into the repository, delete any existing files. Add a new document saying "". This will stop people from getting the wrong code.

2017 04 05 10 24 52 **Figure: Clean up TFVC so developers can't accidentally get the wrong source code

** Note : All the source code is still there, it's just flagged as being deleted.

Lock down TFVC

In the TFVC repository, click Security

2017 04 05 10 43 51 Figure: Configure the security of the TFVC repository ** Then deny check-ins to **Contributors , P roject Administrators and Project Collection Administrators . This should stop anyone from committing new code to the repository.

Update the Dashboard

Next step is to update the dashboard to let new developers know.

2017 04 05 10 30 43

Figure: Good example - Let new users know that the source control is now on Git

Suggestions for the VSTS team

  1. Give us the ability to hide a repository
  2. Give us the ability to set a repository as the default for all users
  3. Give us the ability to delete a TFVC repository

Having any of these suggestions will avoid the confusion on this screen

2017 04 05 10 06 12

Figure: Bad Exmaple - This is confusing for a new dev

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