Do you know what to request if someone wants more RAM and processors on a VM or a PC?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

A “Too slow” is not enough info.

Request an image of the “Resource Monitor”

Then after you decide there is justification:

  • Do a typical action – take a new image or baseline.
  • Give the additional resources e.g. Ram and processors...
  • Do the typical action again – take another image of the “Resource Monitor”
  • If there is some improvement, reply “done” (otherwise reply “not done”)

Note: An ideal email subject prefix for more resources would be e.g. “Performance issue – “Machine name”

resource monitor
Figure: Use “Resource Monitor prior to allocating more RAM on a VM

Figure: If you see something like this, pass their request :-)

Adam Cogan
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