Do you limit the number of fonts?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Each font or style (italics or bold) should be used consistently throughout your presentation. While a different font face or color is a simple way of highlighting certain terms you want for focus, too much of it will do exactly the opposite and distract the audience.

  • Use one font and its variations in a presentation

    • Steer clear of excessively bright colors or any flourished type face (both are hard to read)
  • Keep the styles (eg. bold or color) consistent between slides, so it's easy to identify the hierarchy

Figure: Bad example - Different fonts and styles of a flourished type face used. Makes your slide hard to read for the audience

Figure: Good example - Even though there are a lot of words, the important ones are clear because there is only one font used, with colors to emphasize

Ken Shi
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