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Do you look for duplicate code?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Code duplication is a big "code smell" that harms maintainability. You should keep an eye out for repeated code and make sure you refactor it into a single place.

For example, have a look at these two Action methods in an MVC 4 controller.

// GET: /Person/
public ActionResult Index()
    // get company this user can view
    Company company = null;
    var currentUser = Session["CurrentUser"] as User;
    if (currentUser != null)
        company = currentUser.Company;

    // show people in that company
    if (company != null)
        var people = db.People.Where(p => p.Company == company);
        return View(people);
        return View(new List());

// GET: /Person/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
    // get company this user can view
    Company company = null;
    var currentUser = Session["CurrentUser"] as User;
    if (currentUser != null)
        company = currentUser.Company;

    // get matching person
    Person person = db.People.Find(id);
    if (person == null || person.Company == company)
        return HttpNotFound();
    return View(person);

Figure: Bad Example - The highlighted code is repeated and represents a potential maintenance issue.

We can refactor this code to make sure the repeated lines are only in one place.

private Company GetCurrentUserCompany()
    // get company this user can view
    Company company = null;
    var currentUser = Session["CurrentUser"] as User;
    if (currentUser != null)
        company = currentUser.Company;
    return company;

// GET: /Person/
public ActionResult Index()
    // get company this user can view
    Company company = GetCurrentUserCompany();

    // show people in that company
    if (company != null)
        var people = db.People.Where(p => p.Company == company);
        return View(people);
        return View(new List());

// GET: /Person/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
    // get company this user can view
    Company company = GetCurrentUserCompany();

    // get matching person
    Person person = db.People.Find(id);
    if (person == null || person.Company == company)
        return HttpNotFound();
    return View(person);

Figure: Good Example - The repeated code has been refactored into its own method.

Tip: The Refactor menu in Visual Studio 11 can do this refactoring for you.

vs refactor extract
Figure: The Extract Method function in Visual Studio's Refactor menu

Adam Cogan
Damian Brady
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