Do you make users intuitively know how to use something?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

  1. When we see a door, we immediately know that we can open it and go through it
  2. Links in blue and underlined has an affordance of clickability
  3. Buttons can be pressed
  4. Scrollbar moves the document in the window

Bad Affordance2
Figure: Bad example - The affordance of the checkbox makes this UI misleading

Bad FalseAffordance
Figure: Bad example - If this mop sink didn't look so much like a urinal and wasn't right next to the toilet, maybe the sign wouldn't be necessary

Bad Affordance3
Figure: Bad example – It might not have been a good idea to place a male policeman where the exhaust pipe is

Bad Affordance
Figure: Bad example - Old Microsoft Word - Because of the UI, people never knew they could use styles e.g. normal, H1, H2

word tool bar
Figure: Good example - New Microsoft Word - Because of the new ribbon UI, people intuitively know how to use styles

Bad Mapping
Figure: Bad example - Which is the dial that controls the top-right stove?

Good Mapping
Figure: Good example - In this layout, it's easy to see which dial controls which stove

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