Do you plan in advance for your marketing campaigns?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

In marketing, good timing is the key to a successful campaign. As a smart marketer you need to remember that some campaigns can take weeks or even months to start heating up, whilst others can take just a few days.

For example, SSW have found that when we plan to market our training events, the best time for an aggressive direct mail and telemarketing campaign is 4 weeks prior to the event. Any sooner than that and the prospects will often ask you to call again when it is closer to the date. If you start marketing your events too late, for example 5 days prior to the event, your chances of making a sale decrease significantly. Remember that people often need to gain management approval for leave and expenses. Only rarely will you find someone willing to book just a few days prior to an event.

A good rule of thumb:

Plan early, and aim to create campaigns that are advertised early.

Don't plan late.

Ulysses Maclaren
Jerwin Parker Roberto
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