Do you publish simple websites directly to Windows Azure from Visual Studio Online?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

TFS and Windows Azure work wonderfully together. It only takes a minute to configure continuous deployment from Visual Studio Online ( to a Windows Azure website or Cloud Service.

This is by far the most simple method to achieve continuous deployment of your websites to Azure. But, if your application is more complicated, or you need to run UI tests as part of your deployment, you should be using Octopus Deploy instead according to the Do you use the best deployment tool rule.

integrate source control
Figure: Setting up deployment from source control is simple from within the Azure portal

TFS Deployment
Figure: Deployment is available from a number of different source control repositories

Suggestion to Microsoft: We hope this functionality comes to on-premise TFS and IIS configurations in the next version.

Adam Stephensen
Damian Brady
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