Do you realize that a good interface should not require instructions?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See historyThe corner stone of good user interface design is that if your users need instructions, you haven't done a good job. Of course with particularly complex applications there will be exceptions to this rule, but all developers should aim to make your interface as self-evident as possible.
- There are no surprises
- There is no need to use help
- No excuse for RTFM (read the freaking manual)
A good UI is:
- Intuitive
- Feels fast e.g. no white screen, threading code
- Consistent
- Minimal popups
- No clutter - not busy
- Good error handling
- Easy to customize + apps (aka a platform)
- Gamification e.g. badges
Suggested reading:
- The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (Nov 2013)
- Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited (3rd Edition)