Do you record your research under the PBI?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

If you have done significant research on a topic, this should be documented.

Create a new task under the PBI and place these resources in the description with a short summary of what you got from this link.

research task under pbi

Good Example: Task for research created under the PBI

Each source you have used should be referenced here with the publish date and a short description of what you got from the content. If you take screen shots of the relevant sections then that is even better.

sample email research

Good Example: Example research task on using caching to improve load times with SugarLearning

show no research found 2

Good Example: If you don't find any suitable answers to your query, remember to make a short note of what you were looking for

Adam Cogan
Andreas Lengkeek
Barry Sanders
Jernej Kavka
Patricia Barros
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