Last updated byBrady Stroud [SSW]8 months ago.See history
When you obtain a 3rd party .dll (in-house or external), you sometimes get the code too. So should you:
reference the Project (aka including the source) or
reference the assembly?
When you face a bug, there are 2 types of emails you can send:
Dan, I get this error calling your Registration.dll? or
Dan, I get this error calling your Registration.dll and I have investigated it. As per our conversation, I have changed this xxx to this xxx.
The 2nd option is preferable.
The simple rule is:
If there are no bugs then reference the assembly, and
If there are bugs in the project (or any project it references [See note below]) then reference the project.
Since most applications have bugs, therefore most of the time you should be using the second option.
If it is a well tested component and it is not changing constantly, then use the first option.
Add the project to solution (if it is not in the solution). Add existing project Figure: Add existing project
Select the "References" folder of the project you want to add references to, right click and select "Add Reference...".
Add reference Figure: Add reference
Select the projects to add as references and click OK. Select projects to reference Figure: Select the projects to add as references
Note: We have run into a situation where we reference a stable project A, and an unstable project B. Project A references project B. Each time project B is built, project A needs to be rebuilt.
Now, if we reference stable project A by dll, and unstable project B by project according to this standard, then we might face referencing issues, where Project A will look for another version of Project B ?the one it is built to, rather than the current build, which will cause Project A to fail.
To overcome this issue, we then reference by project rather than by assembly, even though Project A is a stable project. This will mitigate any referencing errors.