Do you rotate your marketing communications?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See historyThe way that marketing communications strategy is planned and measured is through the concepts of frequency and reach. Frequency being how often the message is broadcast, and reach being how many people receive it. We cover the frequency part of the equation by rotating our product advertising on a monthly basis and increasing our reach by applying this rotation to several different points of contact.
At the end of the month we would check the click throughs that these links have generated which will allow us to compare one marketing point of contact against another. Then in the following month we would simply rotate the ad. Here's a scenario that depicts how we envisage our strategy to work.
Joe is surfing on the Internet for an email management utility:
- He finds our website on the Internet (probably through Google) then sees on our homepage an ad about SSW Code Auditor
- If he downloads our software and receives it via email he's sees another SSW Code Auditor ad
- If he has any contact with our employees (mainly via email) he'll once again see an ad in the email footers
- Later on in the month Joe will receive the newsletter with SSW Code Auditor advertised.
This means that Joe has had a chance to see the same ad at least four times by the end of the month. All this at a total cost of zero dollars!
Note: If you've got scrolling links like we do on our home page it's a good idea to keep the information up to date. We say that these should be changed on a monthly basis.