Do You Run Acceptance Tests?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] about 1 year ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Details of how to write and run acceptance tests can be found in the following rule:

Once the coding is done by the developers, the functionality must then be stepped through in the required browsers. You can do this manually or automating it using a great tool like Microsoft Test Manager.

The 1st step in getting automated tests, is to setup Acceptance Tests:

run acceptance tests 1
Figure: Run each 'test case' with a prescribed configuration

run acceptance tests 2
Figure: As you progress through each step, 'Pass' or 'Fail' the expected results. Take screen captures or video as appropriate

run acceptance tests 3
Figure: Bad Example -After checking all the ‘Expected’ results in your MTM test, do not forget to 'Pass' or 'Fail' the Test Case

run acceptance tests 4
Figure: Good example - After all 'Test Steps' have been checked off, choose the overall status for the test. Otherwise it will continue to show as 'Active' on the reports

run acceptance tests 5
Figure: Bad Example – No Tests should remain as 'Active' or 'Failed' at the end of a Sprint

run acceptance tests 6
Figure: Good Example – every test is 'Passed'

Tip: You can pass a test from the test list. Select the Test menu, then the Test Suite. Choose the Test Case to pass and then click the green button ‘Pass Test’.

The next step is to review the Statistics of the Sprint.

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