Do you share screens when working remotely?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

When working remotely, you should be sharing your screen whenever discussing changes to a document or software. This allows your colleague or client to see changes that are happening on the screen, making the remote collaboration experience much nicer.

When you first share your screen, make sure the other person can see your screen before you start talking about it. Often it takes a little while for the image to appear. The same if a new participant joins the call.

For a list of our recommended screen sharing tools, please check the SSW rules for remote support.

Another good practice that follows on from this, is to leave a Teams/Zoom/Skype session open if you are working with the same person for the whole day. This eliminates the need to call your programming partner every time you have a query or question to ask.

Mehmet Ozdemir
Adam Cogan
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