Do you use ANAME record?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

ANAME record (also known as A record) is an alias record that allows you to map the apex record or any other record within your domain to a target host name, essentially a CNAME record for the apex record.

The ANAME record is especially useful for when you have multiple domain names and your website is hosted by a provider that changes it's IP Address, this does happen quite regularly with WPEngine. Many DNS service providers do not support ANAME record, however, DNSMadeEasy has made this service available.

Configuring ANAME is as easy as configuring CNAME.

Let's have a look at DNS records for, DNS records contains apex record for and The apex record uses ANAME, while CNAME for - now we will never have to worry about updating these records, they will follow the DNS records of .

2018 08 01 14 41 32
Figure: Example DNS entry from Azure DNS

Stanley Sidik
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