Do you use field and list item validation (in 2010)

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

class CreateShoppingListHandler : SPItemEventReceiver
    public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
        float price = 0;
        float cost = 0;

        if(float.TryParse(properties.ListItem.Fields["Price"].ToString(), out price) && float.TryParse(properties.ListItem.Fields["Cost"].ToString(), out cost))
            if(price < cost)
                properties.ErrorMessage = "The cost must not be less than the price";
                properties.Cancel = true;

Bad example: using custom code – creating a custom event receiver on the item (the item adding event or item updating event)

Good example: using no code – just using the field validation on a list. A demo of this from Andrew Connell on

Adam Cogan
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