Do you use PowerShell script to create duplicated work item types?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See historySometimes you will need to create duplicate work item types, e.g. a task work item may be clones as PlatformDepTask, SystemDepTask; both of these task work items are sharing the same fields, workflow or layouts, but they are configured to be accessible by different department or there is some other minor differences.
You should create a WIT template and use a place holder for the difference, e.g.
<WORKITEMTYPE name="xxxxDepNamexxxxTask">
Figure: WIT template with a placeholdera
Then use the following PowerShell script to automatically clone the work item and replace the placeholder with actual text.
$original\_file = '..\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task\_Template\_DONOTInstall.xml'
$destination\_file = '..\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task\_ PlatformDep.xml'
(Get-Content $original\_file) | Foreach-Object {
$\_ -replace "xxxxDepNamexxxx", "PlatformDep"
} | Set-Content $destination\_file -Encoding UTF8
$destination\_file = '..\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task\_SystemDep.xml'
(Get-Content $original\_file) | Foreach-Object {
$\_ -replace "xxxxDepNamexxxx", "SystemDep"
} | Set-Content $destination\_file -Encoding UTF8
Figure: PowerShell script to create duplicate WITs and replace the place holder with actual data
Note: if you are using non-English characters in your
template, make sure you add –Encoding UTF8
otherwise you will have some
encoding problems.