Do you use the Code Health Extensions in VS Code?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

For lightweight web projects such as Angular, often VS Code is more appropriate than Visual Studio. So make sure your code quality remains consistent with CSSLint and ESLint.

Which Extensions to Use in VS Code

For web projects, we advocate the use of CSSLint for css files and ESLint for typescript files. (Why you should be using TypeScript instead of JavaScript) Linters for these can be easily added to VS Code via extensions. Simply select the "Extensions" tab, search for "CSSLint" and "ESLint" and click "Install" on each respectively.

vs code extensions
Figure: Addition of CSSLint and ESLint to VS Code Project

If you prefer not to use the Extensions, you can install them using npm as normal. CSSLint (CSSLint npm guide) ESLint (ESLint npm guide)

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Danijel Malik
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