Do you use the repository pattern for data access?
Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See historyThe repository pattern is a great way to handle your data access layer and should be used wherever you have a need to retrieve data and turn it into domain objects.
The advantages of using a repository pattern are:
- Abstraction away from the detail of how objects are retrieved and saved
- Domain objects are ignorant of persistence - persistence is handled completely by the repository
- Testability of your code without having to hit the database (you can just mock the repository)
- Reusability of data access code without having to worry about consistency
Even better, by providing a consistent repository base class, you can get all your CRUD operations while avoiding any plumbing code.
Tip: Entity Framework provides a great abstraction for data access out of the box. See Jason’s Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core talk for more information