Dones - Do you include relevant info from attachments in the body of the email?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

When someone sends you a .doc file or images that are attached when you reply 'done' they (and others CC'd) won't be able to see the appropriate history. If it is a word .doc or an image; open it and copy and paste the text/image into the history, where the image should have been. Don't leave it as an attachment.

**Warning: ** iPhones strip inline images. If someone has replied to a beautifully crafted email (with inline images) with their iPhone, it will now be a clipped plain text email with your image as an attachment and would not be included in the "Reply All"...Grrrr

So in such a case, you will want to skip that email and go back to the last HTML email and paste in the extra response. For clarity, add something like:

"(fixed history to put back images - caused by Adam's iPhone)"

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