Do you choose effective anchor names?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 5 months ago.See history

It is often that developers find themselves using the incorrect/inefficient anchor names.

According to W3C, anchor names must observe the following rules:

  • Anchor names must be unique within a document
  • Begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")
  • Don't add spacings - When you are defining an anchor name, make sure there are no spaces within the name
  • Anchor name cannot start with #

These are the things you should consider when creating an anchor link:

  • Make it meaningful - When you are sending the URL by email it helps indicate what you are talking about
  • Avoid list numbers - They often change. An anchor like #13 becomes incorrect when the order changes
  • Know they are case sensitive - #usergroups is not the same as #UserGroups. Always check your links and anchor names are identical, matching the capitalization
<a name="1st section"></a>

Bad example - Beginning with a number, spaces within, and meaningless anchor name

<a name="get-started"></a>

Good example - Beginning with a letter, no spaces, and a meaningful anchor name

Adam Cogan
Tiago Araujo
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