Do you know how to find excellent candidates?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Trouble finding amazing developers?! Here is how we do it!

At SSW we do not use recruiters, instead we rely on word of mouth for referrals, or we advertise a position using LinkedIn. We find that the filters on LinkedIn are a good way of attracting people with the correct skills. You can choose up to 10 skills per ad, saving you a lot of time.

We also try to make our ads interesting and fun to help them stand out. For example, when we needed a new State Manager for Brisbane, we wanted someone with a Business mind, who also knew our industry inside and out. So we created the title "A Business Guy (once a wannabe developer)". This got people's attention, and got us the right person for the job!

Business Guy
Figure: Good example - Our "Business Guy" role as shown on our website

Once we have our candidates, we call them for a chat, put them through a communications challenge, and then a coding challenge. This ensures that we find people who are the right cultural fit for our company, as well as a kick-arse consultant and coder.

Figure: SSW's recruitment process

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