Framing - Do you know to avoid negative words or phrases?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

It’s easy sometimes to accidentally undersell something or someone by using potentially derogatory words that may give a client the wrong idea.

This can be especially bad if you’re using potentially triggering words or phrases:

XXX is more junior/less experienced/less skilled than YYY.

Bad Example – Why are they paying for a junior, a less experienced, less skilled person?

XXX is more affordable than YYY.

Good Example – Avoids trigger words like “junior” and has a positive spin and an upside for a client.

XXX needs more time to learn this technology.

Bad Example – Why are they paying for someone to learn?

There’s always a short period of upskilling in any project until everyone’s fully proficient in the whole stack.

Good Example – Normalizes the issue

Ulysses Maclaren
Michael Smedley
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