Do you give your emails a Business Value?

Last updated by Chris Schultz [SSW] 5 months ago.See history

The problem with emailing a task, is that no one knows how important that email is, in relation to all their other emails. So, what is the solution?

People can send tasks in different ways:

  1. Send a simple email with no priority indication

Email sign
Figure: Bad example - An email with requirements does not indicate the priority

  1. Put the task straight into the backlog in the desired priority order, but send no email

straight to scrum
Figure: Bad example - The developer does not get a chance to ask questions and refine it before it hits the backlog

  1. Send an email indicating its priority. The recipient reviews it and places it into the backlog, based off the specified Business Value

Developer entered
Figure: Good example - Email tasks with a Business Value, allow the developer to review before putting it in the backlog

The perfect email workflow

Before you email a task to someone, think about how important it is to you. Then draft your email, add the Business Value using the same scale that you would use to estimate your PBIs.

Email Diagram
Figure: Good example - The best workflow for sending an email

What if you need to write an email to multiple recipients?

Assign each person a Business Value. In the case of "To Myself" emails, you can also add the amount of 'Effort' required too.

Email screenshot
Figure: Good example - The best workflow for sending an email with multiple recipients

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