Setup - Do you have good lighting in your video calls?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

Lights can improve the general quality of your calls. The best light will always be the natural one from a window.

Here are some tips:

  • If you have a desk lamp, move it so it is not directly on your face or on a white background to avoid extreme contrasting on your image
  • Avoid having light (even from a window) behind you, otherwise, it can create annoying glare on your monitor or shadows on your work station
  • You can have a nice work station with some decorative lights, such as desk lamps
  • On general principle, you always want the subject to be the brightest and most well-lit subject in the frame

overexposed kitchen
Figure: Bad example - Overexposed kitchen

good video background
Figure: Good example - Person is the brightest subject in the frame

A good tip from The Spruce blog is to position your home office station facing north or south so that the sunlight doesn't throw a shadow at any point during the day, making you move your setup frequently.

lightning impacts
Figure: See how different lighting setups can impact remote meetings videos

Adam Cogan
Camilla Rosa Silva
Steven Andrews
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