Do you know how to use "gamification"?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

"Gamification" is a method of encouraging user participation. Usually, these are a set of incentives such as points or achievement badges that are linked to some other form of redeemable value.

It originated with Frequent Flyer programs and has crossed over into the software world with the success of Foursquare.

This concept is being utilized even in Visual Studio.

microsoft rewards
Figure: Good Example – Microsoft Rewards gives points when you search on and buy things from the Microsoft Store online and in Windows 10

stack overflow reputation
Figure: Good Example – Stack Overflow uses reputation points, awarded by how useful your answer to other user submitted questions were

gamification timepro
Figure: Good Example – TimePro uses gamification to encourage users to do their timesheets on time

sugarlearning leaderboard
Figure: Good Example – SugarLearning Leaderboard is another good example

gamification dropbox
Figure: Good Example – Dropbox rewards its users with extra storage space instead of imaginary points. This is more interesting

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