SSW Foursquare

Calling - Do you call instead of IM when communication is not simple?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

When you realize the communication is not simple and there it is going to take much back and forth IMs, say "Can I call?" and continue the conversation through voice.

Communication using voice is much faster than typing a message and it can clear misunderstandings. Encourage people to switch to voice if possible.


Scott:  Did you say to me, you would contact Mike on Teams to do it collaboratively... rather than email?

Dave:  I agreed I'll contact them over Teams as suggested by Sophie

Scott:  Isn't that what I just said? (and you said you were sending emails)

Dave:  Hold on... I don't understand you anymore, can we switch to voice?

Then follow Do you send "As Per Our Conversation" emails?

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