Management - Do you have a "Release Update/Debrief Meeting" on a weekly basis?
Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 4 months ago.See history This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Replaced by
Every week the project manager should meet with the client to conduct an external "Test Please" as well as to discuss the status of the release.
Tip #1: Choose the same day each week (for example SSW chooses Tuesday) Tip #2: While it is better to conduct an internal "Test Please" before the meeting (for example SSW chooses Friday), this "Release Update/Debrief Meeting" should proceed (even if it hasn't been completed).
This is the agenda:
- Status of original work items - are they all done?
- External Test Please - go through the application and get the clients thoughts. Many issues they see, will already be reported by the internal "Test Please". Send emails to the new ones.
- Triage these additional work items - try to move all to the next release
- Approval for additional work items/budget overruns - talk $$ e.g. look at the "Actual" and "Estimate" figures on the top of the report
- Release sign-off - "Yes" or "No"?
If "Yes"
- Ask the client for a mark /10 for the release
- Ask the client if you can do a deployment to Production?
- Ask for Approval for next release
There are tools to help you do this:
If you are at the end of a main section of work, promote your success
- Ask for a testimonial for the work you have done
- Create a case study and get it approved - This should be a win-win for the client. E.g. WorleyParsons
- Add a link to the work you have done on your website or marketing material. E.g. Our Clients page