Do you know how to manage errors with Code Auditor

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Code auditing is an essential practice that empowers developers, quality assurance teams, and organizations to identify and rectify potential flaws, weaknesses, and security risks within their codebase.

SSW Code Auditor is the perfect tool to audit your code helping you find:

  • Broken links
  • HTML errors
  • Google Lighthouse issues

Every Sprint, some time should be devoted to resolving Code Auditor errors and warnings. To aid in this, long-lasting PBI items should be created and carried over each Sprint keeping a history of the work done.

The PBI should contain a version number at the top which gets incremented by +1 every new Sprint following the "Change x to y" rule. This is used to track how many Sprints the PBI has been active for.

screenshot 2023 06 12 at 07 45 16
Figure: PBI to track Code Auditor errors

Brook Jeynes
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