Messages - Do you know how to make message boxes user friendly? (1/3 Titles)

Last updated by SSW.Rules.SharePointExtractor almost 4 years ago.See history

Message boxes should have consistent and informative titles and descriptions, and icons should be used appropriately.


The title should contain the application name, so the user knows what application generated the warning/error. This is especially important when developing add-ins (e.g. Outlook add-ins or Smart Tags) as it can be difficult to know what caused the message box to pop up. Application.ProductName and Application.ProductVersion should be used to retrieve the data from AssemblyInfo. There is no need for the title to contain a brief description of the error because that information is readily available in the message box itself.

Figure: Bad Example - Title contains brief description of error, which is already contained in the message box

Figure: Good Example - Title contains Product Name ("SSW eXtreme Emails!") and Product Version ("12.56")

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Note : The Version Number in the title should only contain the Major and the Minor version numbers (e.g. 11.28) and not the complete Major.Minor.Revision.Build Numbers (e.g.

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