Do you record monthly stakeholder videos?

Last updated by Stefan Starcevic [SSW] about 1 month ago.See history

Keping stakeholders up to date is crucial for the success of any project. Developer teams use Scrum meetings which work very well. For internal admin teams - Scrum might not work as well (e.g. Sales, Accounting). Often admin teams get sidetracked, and so Scrum isn't a perfect tracker of tasks or performance.

So, to keep stakeholders well informed, these teams should record a monthly stakeholder video. This ensures that stakeholders are aware of the project’s progress, any challenges faced, and the plans for the upcoming month. It also provides a personal touch - stakeholders get to hear from the team directly.

✅ Benefits

  • Transparency - Regular updates promote transparency and problems get resolved before they balloon
  • Engagement - Videos are more engaging than written reports
  • Accessibility - Stakeholders can watch the video at their convenience, making it easier for them to stay informed without scheduling conflicts

To be consistent, have a recurring appointment each month:

Creating an effective video

To ensure your video is clear and following best practices, read and follow the key things for making a great 'Done Video'.


The video should be recorded by the Product Owner (or other head of the team).

  1. Open the relevant pages/analytics in browser tabs (this might be PowerBI for Sales, Google Ads and social media for Marketing, etc.)
  2. Bring up the important points you will talk about
  3. Record the video, clicking through the tabs and talking through the important metrics
    Tip: Use ZoomIt for easy recording and on screen notation
  4. Upload the video to YouTube (public if there is no sensitive information - unlisted if there is)
  5. Email your stakeholders with the video link

Figure: Good example - Watching the video with the Product Owner, then sending it in an email with a task so you can confirm visability from your team.

reports list marketing
Figure: Good example - a list of reports to review each month (this one is a SharePoint example)

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