General - Do you know object name should follow your company naming conventions?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Follow naming conventions:

  1. SQL Server Object Naming Standard
  2. SQL Server Stored Procedure Naming Standard
  3. SQL Server Indexes Naming Standard
  4. SQL Server Relationship Naming Standard
  5. Use decreasing generality for table names ie. Client and ClientInvoice, then ClientInvoiceDetail.
  6. Don't use underscores, instead use upper and lower case ie. ClientInvoice is preferred over Client_Invoice.
  7. Table names should use plural ie. Clients is preferred over Client.
  8. Generally, do not use abbreviations. But there are a few words that are so commonly used that they can be abbreviated. These are:

    • Quantity = Qty
    • Amount = Amt
    • Password = Pwd
  9. Prefix all date fields with 'Date' ie. DateInvoiced. One extra use of this is you can have generic code that enables a date control on this field.
  10. Suffix Percent fields with 'Pct' ie. SalesTaxPct.
  11. Only use alphabet characters. ie. don't use AustraliaListA$. Avoid the following characters in your object names in SQL Server. If you do not do this, you will need to constantly identify those ill-named objects with bracketed or quoted identifiers - otherwise, unintended bugs can arise.
  12. Don't use reserved words on their own. ie. User, Count, Group, etc. They can be used if joined with other words. See Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL)
Adam Cogan
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