Do you optimise your website favicon?

Last updated by Tylah Kapa [SSW] 5 months ago.See history

Favicons are more than just a single icon, and they require proper optimisation to display correctly on all devices.

What is a Favicon?

Favicons are most commonly used to display a custom icon on a browser tab, but they can also be used to alter the display of your website in other cases such as Android, iPhone, Windows, and Mac icons.

How to Check Your Favicon

Even if your website has a favicon, it may not be fully compliant. You can use to check your website.

bad favicon 1
Figure: Bad example - Favicon does not display properly on all devices
bad favicon 2
Figure: Bad example - Favicon does not display properly on all devices

good favicon 1
Figure: Good example - Favicon displays properly on all devices
good favicon 2
Figure: Good example - Favicon displays properly on all devices

How to Update Your Favicon also has a favicon generator that you can use to generate a set of icons and meta tags from a single image.

The site will guide you through all the settings and display a preview of how your favicon will look on each device.

favicon generator
Figure: Choosing our favicon settings

Once you're happy with how it looks, click Generate your Favicons and HTML code and you will be given instructions on how to install your new favicon with a number of popular technologies, such as HTML5, ASP.NET Core and NodeJS.

Jack Reimers
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