You should pick a Chinese name for your app or product when going to China market. Here is how you should chose it:
1. Phonetic or Literal Translation
Option 1: Use the same sound
- LinkedIn > 领英(lǐng yīng), meaning "leadership and elite"
- SugarLearning , Sugar > 雪鸽(xuě gē) > meaning "Snow Pigeon"
Option 2: Use the same meaning
- Microsoft > Microcomputer & Software > "Micro" & "Soft" > 微软
2. Leverage Positive Connotations
Chinese culture places importance on auspicious meanings. Choose characters with positive associations:
- 智 (zhì, Intelligence)
- 鹏 (péng, great ambition)
Avoid characters with negative or unlucky connotations.
- Mercedes Benz originally could be "Bensi" ("rush to die" in Chinese); so they changed to "Benchi" ("run quickly", like flying)
3. Make It Memorable
Keep the name concise (2–4 characters) and ensure the name is easy to pronounce for native Chinese speakers. Collaborate with a Chinese colleague to ensure cultural accuracy and effectiveness.
4. Check Domain Availability
Check if the name is already in use or trademarked in China.