Do you provide modern contact options?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

The evolution of website development can be summarized by:

  • 1990 - Cool website – content focus (static HTML content)
  • 1995 - Cool graphics – interface focus (dynamic HTML content)
  • 2000 - Nice flow – usability focus (focus on user experience)
  • 2005 - Good marketing – conversion focus (SEO and visitors to customers conversion)
  • 2010 - Happy customer– interactions focus (customer experience)

It's important that your website is focused on CX (Customer Experience) which means you need modern contact options.

moderncontact bad
Figure: Bad example - The only way to contact the company is via email

moderncontact good
Figure: Good example - Chat is available along with other ways of contact, such as voip, IM, KB etc

Zendesk explain how you can use mulitple channels of support to give your customers a better CX

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Penny Walker
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