Do you set design guidelines for your company?
Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] almost 2 years ago.See historyThe start point of your branding is the logo. From there everything the company produces or owns should "feel" like it comes from your company. When you walk by a pile of documents on a desk, you should recognize that it's from your company. It's not just plonking the logo everywhere.
These are things to keep in mind for good branding:
- Logo - E.g. SSW Logo
- Web fonts - E.g. At SSW we use Open Sans
- Print fonts - E.g. At SSW we use Segoe UI
- Websites - E.g. SSW Web Reference page is an example of good branding instructions for websites
- Newsletters
- Email signatures
- Business Cards
- Flyers, catalogues, and other promotional material
- Products
- Offices façades, and interior decor
- Events
- Documents, invoices, and proposals
- Employees
- Cars
- Others, like coffee mugs, plastic bags, etc