Communication - Do you know how to speak to people you don't like?

Last updated by Penny Walker [SSW] 4 days ago.See history

Everyone knows someone they don't like...

It could be the person at work who never listens, who likes to give backhanded compliments, or who rubs you the wrong way. If it's someone you work with, this can be hard to navigate.

There is no excuse for making yourself less likable!

Video: How to talk to someone you don’t like. 3 steps from Jefferson Fisher (46 sec)

Follow these simple tips from Trial Attorney and argument expert, Jefferson Fisher:

  1. Treat them like anyone else - it’s not about winning them over. It’s about showing everyone else you’re the bigger person (even when it’s hard)
  2. Stay neutral - no eye rolls, no crossed arms. Keep your tone and body language calm, even if they’re trying to get under your skin.
  3. Stick to the facts - if they ask, “What time’s the meeting?” don’t reply with, “You’d know if you paid attention.” Just say, “1pm”.

Everyone deserves respect, tolerance, and empathy. Lastly, people can only bring you down if you permit them to do so.

Penny Walker
Adam Cogan
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