Do you know when to use the term SPIKE (Agile) or PoC (proof of concept)?”

Last updated by Jean Thirion [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

In Agile development, both the terms "Spike" and "Proof of Concept (PoC)" are used to address uncertainty or gather information, but they are applied in slightly different contexts.


Used for short-term, focused technical investigations to address uncertainties, explore specific problems, or gain better understanding of tasks. It is not intended for delivering complete features but for learning and decision-making.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

Used to demonstrate the feasibility or viability of a broader idea or concept. PoCs are more extensive than Spikes, involving the development of a partial, simplified version of a feature to validate technical feasibility before full-scale development.

Key differences


  • Spike – Research technical challenges or uncertainties within a Sprint
  • PoC – Demonstrate the feasibility of a solution or idea before committing to full development


  • Spike – Focuses on investigation and learning (e.g., testing frameworks, understanding APIs)
  • PoC – Focuses on proving whether a concept or approach can work in practice


  • Spike – Short, time-boxed within a Sprint (usually a few hours to a few days)
  • PoC – Typically spans a longer period as it's aimed at validating a broader concept


  • Spike – Results in knowledge or information (not deliverables) to guide future work
  • PoC – Results in a prototype or partial implementation to demonstrate viability


  • Spike – Applied when there’s a technical unknown or a need for research during development
  • PoC – Applied when evaluating whether a new idea, feature, or technology will succeed before fully investing in it

Team Involvement

  • Spike – Primarily involves the development team to resolve technical uncertainties
  • PoC – May involve multiple stakeholders (developers, designers, business) to validate the concept's viability

Risk Management

  • Spike – Reduces technical risk by clarifying unknowns
  • PoC – Reduces business risk by testing the feasibility of a solution before major investment

Which one to choose?

The decision depends on the nature and scope of the uncertainty or exploration in the Agile development process.

Choose Spike for specific technical challenges or unknowns.

Use Proof of Concept to validate the feasibility of a larger solution or architecture.

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