Do you know how to index SQL JOINs?

Last updated by Bryden Oliver [SSW] 6 months ago.See history

So you've identified that you need to improve the performance of a SQL JOIN. How can you create an index to improve the performance?

Joins behave just like a where clause. So for this statement:

 dbo.Users u
 INNER JOIN dbo.Comments c ON u.Id = c.UserId
 u.DisplayName = 'Jernej Kavka'

The following index would provide a performance increase.

CREATE INDEX IX_UserId_INCLUDES_CreationDate on dbo.Comments (UserId, CreationDate)

Note the fact that rather than including CreationDate in an included column it's been included in the indexed columns. That's because dates are a nice small column type, so the extra storage in the index tree nodes is negligible.

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