Do you answer with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for clarity before providing extra information?
Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] over 1 year ago.See historyAlways start your answer to a question with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ first, then follow that with your opinion and more details.
Adam: Did you deploy that bug fix?
George: We deployed 3 times yesterday and one of the deployments took ages and so we optimized the Azure DevOps pipeline, so now a database change has gone from 35 minutes to just 2 minutes to deploy. We’ll get all the remaining items resolved in the next few days.
Bad example - We have to infer the answer... if it is there at all!
George: No - we had issues, but we'll get that one done after lunch today. FYI we deployed 3 times yesterday and one of the deployments took ages and so we optimized the Azure DevOps pipeline, so now a database change has gone from 35 minutes to just 2 minutes to deploy.
We’ll get all the remaining items resolved in the next few days.
Good example - the question is answered clearly in the start